Asperitas and the
Open Compute Project

Supporting growing demand for sustainable compute

The Open Compute Project (OCP) Community includes hyperscale datacentre operators and industry players, joined by telecom, colocation providers and enterprise IT users. The community works with vendors to develop and commercialize open innovations that, when embedded in product, are deployed from the cloud to the edge.

A member of OCP since 2017, Asperitas has historically led the immersion cooling activities within the Advanced Cooling sub-project. This leadership has been further exemplified in the Community through active contributions in the OCP Global Summits, Tech Weeks and other events.

About Asperitas and OCP

OCP was initiated by Facebook in 2011 with a mission to apply the benefits of open source and open collaboration to hardware and rapidly increase the pace of innovation in, near and around the datacentre’s networking equipment, general purpose and GPU servers, storage devices and appliances, and scalable rack designs. OCP’s collaboration model is being applied beyond the datacentre, helping to advance the telecom industry and EDGE infrastructure.

Being a prominent OCP member has allowed Asperitas to be a main author and driving force behind several papers such as Design Guidelines for Immersion Cooled IT Equipment and Immersion Requirements. These documents form the first and only industry references for IT equipment OEMs to build their portfolios for immersion, and their primary role is to generate and qualify requirements for immersion solutions. The aim is to foster a landscape of accurate, fact-based technology positioning.

We are very grateful for the contributions and expertise that Asperitas brings to our community. Their collaboration style and leadership by example is what has made the Immersion Sub-project one of the fastest growing communities in our ecosystem. Asperitas is helping OCP think about solutions for adopting immersion in the datacentre facilities and beyond.”

Archna Haylock
Chief Community Officer for OCP

Questions about OCP? Meet Andy

Asperitas CTO, Dr Andy Young, is a main Global and Regional Summit contributor, Signal Integrity co-lead and Immersion Steering Group member.

OCP hosts events to bring together industry experts, researchers, and practitioners to discuss the latest developments and trends in the field. At the last OCP Summit, Andy gave a talk as part of the the Immersion-Signal Integrity workstream, focusing on a critical aspect of immersion cooling: maintaining signal integrity within IT platforms.

This session discussed the challenges and solutions related to signal integrity in electronics submerged in cooling fluids. It covered the identification of potential issues and the development of effective mitigation strategies, ensuring optimal performance in immersion-cooled IT equipment.

Watch the session here.

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