October 10, 2024

Datacentre Transformation

DCT Manchester is the premier data centre education event in the calendar.The next Data Centre Transformation event, organised by Angel Business Communications in association with DataCentre Solutions, the Datacentre Alliance, The University of Leeds and RISE SICS North takes place on 3 July, 2018 at the University of Manchester. For the 2018 event, they’re taking our title literally, so the focus is on DATA, CENTRES and TRANSFORMATION.And that’s why the 2018 Data Centre Transformation event, Manchester, will focus on the constantly changing demands being made on the data centre in this new, digital age, concentrating on how the data centre is evolving to meet these challenges.Asperitas will be presenting during a break-out session and you can meet our team at the floor as well.Follow us on Twitter for the latest updates.

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